Vol. 52, Issue 3, 2000July 01, 2000 EDT
“Oh, Say, Can I See–And Who Do I Sue if I Can’t?”: Wheelchair Users, Sightlines Over Standing Spectators, and Architect Liability Under the Americans witn Disabilities Act
“Oh, Say, Can I See–And Who Do I Sue if I Can’t?”: Wheelchair Users, Sightlines Over Standing Spectators, and Architect Liability Under the Americans witn Disabilities Act
Adam A. Milani,
Adam A. Milani, “Oh, Say, Can I See–And Who Do I Sue If I Can’t?”: Wheelchair Users, Sightlines Over Standing Spectators, and Architect Liability Under the Americans Witn Disabilities Act, 52 Fla. L. Rev. 523 (2000).